Our Ballet Program

Ballet is the fundamental dance form which develops the grace, posture, coordination and strength required in all other areas of dance and sports. It compliments all dance types, and as such is highly recommended for Highland dancers, and a pre-requesite for many of our competitive programs. Dancers planning to compete in the dance world require the development of technical and artistic proficiency fostered in Ballet.

Celtic Ceilidh has instructors trained in RAD (Royal Academy of Dance), Vaganova and ISTD Ballet methods. Dancers will be recommended for exams when a  required skill level is achieved.

The foundation of our Ballet program is our technique classes, and dancers wishing to experience more may also register for additional Choreography, Pointe or Exam classes if they meet the requirements.

Ballet classes available for Ages 3-6, Junior (6-11) and Senior (Jr. High and Up) dancers.


Ballet technique classes focus on the fundamentals of Ballet through a set RAD, ISTD and/or Vaganova syllabus. Dancers will focus on the positions, movements, posture, strength and flexibility required for Ballet. All dancers registered in the Ballet program will be in a Ballet technique class, and may have additional classes if eligible. Dancers may register in a Ballet technique class to supplement other dance types, to be recommended for Ballet exams, or purely for personal enjoyment.



If dancers wish to participate in Ballet exams, their instructor will let them know when they have met the required knowledge and skill level. An additional exam class may be required to prepare for exams.




An additional class focused on building technique, strength and learning the exercises required to dance “en pointe”. Dancers must be enrolled in a pre-requisite ballet technique class, reached a certain level of Ballet, and have their instructor’s recommendation to register in a Pointe class.



An additional class focused on choreographing a group routine which will be entered in various dance competitions during April & May. Dancers must be enrolled in prerequisite Ballet technique class to participate in Ballet Choreography.

Dancers in our competitive choreography program must be able to commit to all rehearsals, competitions and performances, and will be expected to meet all dress, hair and makeup requirements as outlined by the choreographer. Due to the team nature of competing with a group, dancers must be fully dedicated as their fellow dancers and instructor count on them in order for the group to be successful.